Description of the sector
The sector of the mouth of the Orne, which for the allies will correspond to the eastern flank of the landing zone, taking the name “Sword Beach”, is a strategic point for both camps.
From the German point of view, the mouth of the Orne, allowing access to the ports behind Blainville then Caen, must be protected. Certainly, this protection will be much less compared to that of large neighboring ports such as Cherbourg or Le Havre, but a fairly dense artillery cover makes it possible to prevent access.
From the German point of view, the mouth of the Orne, allowing access to the ports behind Blainville then Caen, must be protected.
Certainly, this protection will be much less compared to that of large neighboring ports such as Cherbourg or Le Havre, but a fairly dense artillery cover makes it possible to prevent access.

In this context, a dedicated command center, located back from the coast, ensures the coordination of the local ‘Orne’ combat group, made up of infantry and light artillery assets. The heavy artillery batteries – called marine batteries – are commanded directly from the headquarters in Caen.
From the Allied point of view, the Sword Beach sector was cordoned off for future landing operations.
Landing craft have specific areas on which to reach the shore, and to do so, use notable points on the coast (landmarks).
Set back from the shore, the first military objectives to be achieved are coded using fish names (Sole = Sole, Trout = Trout, etc.).

Finally, after the first kilometer, the second goal lines borrowed the names of major English automobile brands:

Daimler : the German work located in Ouistreham, near the water tower, with the German code name wn12, was made up of 4 155 howitzers.
Hillman : the sector HQ, under the direction of Colonel Krug, taking the German code wn17, is located 4 km from the seafront and overlooks the village.
Morris : a battery of four 105mm cannons under casemate, comparable to those of Merville, but still under construction in June 44. Its German code is wn16.

Rover : A place poorly identified by the allies, it is not strictly speaking a German defensive work but a assembly point, located on the Beuville farm.