Some Information from Camp Hillman 2024

Carte d'invitation au camp de reconstitution 2024

Collector friends,

As the events of the 80th anniversary of the landing approach, it is time to share some information with you. In total, you will be 140 collectors, 90 tents, 53 vehicles including 42 British. The Hillman site keeps all its promises having become the largest event in the region.

So that volunteers can fully enjoy the event, we have divided the 10-day week into 2 parts on the Hillman site.

  • For the 1st part: from Monday June 3 to Wednesday June 5, reception and installation of the camp, small outing and reunion…
  • For the 2nd part: from Thursday June 6 to Sunday June 9, opening of the camp to the public, ceremonies and events on the Hillman site.

Small reminder: the Hillman site in Colleville-Montgomery is now certified by the Normandy region and the Calvados prefecture. Regarding the ZCR (Regulated Traffic Zone), be aware that it will be very complicated to travel in this zone without a sticker from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Finally, think about your weapons neutralization certificates (checks should be considered by the authorities).

Some new features:

On Tuesday June 4, the ACC Normandie association has the pleasure of inviting us to its reenactment camp at the Château de Fontaine-Henry.

Back on the Hillman site, from 7:00 p.m., a Food Truck will set up on the camp to offer us burgers.

Still on the program:

  • Ceremonies on the Hillman site, at the Hermanville cemetery, at the Château de la Londe, at Périers sur le Dan, a commemorative march “in the footsteps of Suffolk”, the D-Day Parade and of course free time…
  • Our country meal on Saturday June 8 in the evening, for participants registered at the camp and volunteers of the association.
  • A roaster will come and cook suckling pigs on the spit with his new potatoes, a glass of wine or beer and grilled apples for a contribution of 20 euros. Registration at the following link.

Think about extension cords and know that this year, the showers are at the Colleville-Montgomery municipal stadium.

IMPORTANT !!! Remember to consult the internal regulations of the camp.

(Don’t forget to share with your groups and associations)

A big thank you for your commitment and participation to everyone!!!!!!

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